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Birthday Book Club

Celebrate your student's special day as well as help support the library at the same time! For a $10 donation (cash or check made payable to Northern Hills), your child will able to pick out a book to be given to the library.  More details and payment form are in the document!

2023-2024 School Supply List

Below is the list for Pre-K through 5th grade.  Supply lists for special classes will be available on Information Day.  Additional supplies may be requested for the spring


Art Class

Counselor's Corner

Northern Hills Counselors

Tracy Hill, M.Ed.

Counselor (3-5)

(405) 726-629

Dezirae Hamrick, M.Ed.

Counselor (K-2)


Husky Time Updates

This month, our lower elementary students will be learning about kindness and developing positive friendships. They will also be learning how to use mindfulness as a coping skill tool. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in what you are doing in a calm way. Practicing this skill helps children regulate their bodies and emotions.

3rd-5th graders will have a lesson on thankfulness that requires them to write three or four sentences and if they choose, share what they have written. These assignments have been saved since students were 3rd graders. The 5th grade will be bringing all three assignments home! It's so exciting to see how their writing skills and their thought process has developed!

If you’d like more information about how you can get involved, send an email to

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